Tuesday, October 6, 2009

holy shit! My fucking mouth!

For the last week my teeth have been sore and I attributed it to sinus problems. Inflammation in your sinuses can cause teeth to feel sore and loose. Yesterday the pain in my mouth was getting much worse and seemed to be just in in my lower left side. So after many ibuprofen and a sleepless night I called the dentist at 7:30a to see if I get in. I was all showered and hair blown dry so I could zip in if necessary.
Hallelujah! I got in at 8a. The dental assistant did an x-ray. I didn't gag but it hurt like a bitch.
The dentist came in and gave me the lowdown. The roots on my last left molar were wasting away. The bone loss from under the gum was discussed at my last visit in May. At that time, the dentist thought the way to go was to slice the gum open and go a bone graft. In the meantime, the hubby, B, needed and crown and a root canal. Being the devoted wife (and not looking forward to surgery anyway) I let B get his work done first. (Even if you have the Cadillac of dental insurance, it is still expensive. Around $1200. The bone graft would have been around $800.)
Since May, the bone loss had doubled and and now I had an infection which is why it hurt. The bone graft was no longer an option this morning so bye-bye tooth. I told the dentist I wanted to throw up and I was pretty freaked out. I am not afraid of the pain, just the sensation of tugging my tooth out. A vision of the dentist with a pliers tugging at my tooth while standing on my chair is all I could envision.
All in all, it went well. Thirty minutes of nitrous oxide and 3 shots of Novocaine, the tooth came out with minor tugging and no pain. I also got some gauze and 12 Vicodin. I will have to do with ibuprofen til after work tonight. I really can't take Vicodin while I am holding a straight razor or shears. Plus I have a nice wine I would like to pair it with.

I am sure this all karma getting back at me. I am really particular about teeth. B didn't even tell me he had a crown til we were married because he thought I would freak out that he had a fake tooth. Ages ago I dated someone who told me he had a bridge for his four top front teeth. I mentally decided that the relationship would go nowhere after that.

My Novocaine is starting to really where off. Ouch!