Monday, September 20, 2010

I stepped inside a church and I am still alive

A few months ago my middle brother, Brian, and his wife, Angie, asked me and my husband to be godparents to their youngest daughter, Riley. First of all, I was really honored. We feel pretty close to our 3 nephews and 2 nieces and just love them all to pieces.
The baptism was yesterday at the church my mom spent years yelling and dragging me and my 3 younger brothers to. (I could probably write at least a dozen blogs on attending 8 years of Catholic school. These stories are even made more hilarious by having an overactive imagination and taking everything I heard from Sister Carmelita or read in my "Book of Saints" literally. If you had to classify me now, I would say I am Buddhist-lite. I meditate, believe in karma, and have seen the Secret.) The baptism was right after 10am Mass. My husband, B Wags, and I have not been to Mass in a least 5 years. He was less than thrilled. He thought we could breeze in immediately following mass just in time for the Baptism. I must carry much more Catholic guilt so we attended Mass and I promptly wrote out a check for the Offering since I had no cash.
Well, we received Communion which was probably a sin since I have not been to Confession in 20 years. I was scared that the Priest would realize that we didn't participate. Anyway, I did not burst into flames or get struck by lightening.
The actual Baptism was short and lovely. Angie got teary. Six month-old Riley did not cry. The Priest was laid back and good natured.
Then family and friends braved the chilly weather for the quintessential Lyons Park gathering. A taco buffet bar, Miller beers, bounce house, and the Packer game on a tv that was hooked up just for the occasion.

Here's a few pics from church. The other kids in the pic are Riley's older siblings: Laila 5, Alex 13.

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